Monday, March 14, 2011

Festival Express 2?

Mumford & Sons, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, Old Crow Medicine Show Announce 'Railroad Revival Tour' - plug in music
Not quite holding the weight of its predecessor but still a cool concept 40 years later.

This Is The Best News Of The Year Or More

Japan Does Not Face Another Chernobyl - wall street journal
Lets hope this scare serves as a benchmark for nuclear reliance in the future of energy production.

Bold Statement by B.O.B.

The New York Times Does Something Right

How a Reactor Shuts Down and What Happens in a Meltdown - new york times
For all of us lacking the inner nuclear scientist, this is a great visual run down of the nuclear plant situation in Japan.

Google Circles: A Hoax?

Google to Launch Major New Social Network Called Circles, Possibly Today (Updated) - readwriteweb
I heard Zuckerberg was drunk at SXSW and restarted the rumor. Oh Mark...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Top 10 Songs: February 2011

10. Rehab - Graffiti The World

9. Yelawolf - Pop The Trunk

8. Mac Miller - Poppy

7. Adrenaline Rush - The Road Is Gold*

6. Big Gov - Mr. Motown*

5. Diddy-Dirt Money - I'm Coming Home

4. Flobots - Anne Braden

3. Chase Blaze - Thankful

2. Childish Gambino - Freaks and Geeks

1. Lil Wayne - 6'7'

*Could only find these on Pandora

Apple Is All About Diversity

iPad 2: Also Comes In White? 9to5mac
I want a kevlar and diamond studded iPad 2, please. 

Let the Madness Begin

Apple To Unveil New iPad On March 2 - cnn
This might be the only thing that could kill the Charlie Sheen story.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The New Face Of China's Social Media

Facebook Meeting With Baidu Execs In Silicon Valley, Says Chinese Press - business insider
Business Insider calling out Google's social inadequacies is great.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A 5 Year Old Feminist Proclimation

5-Year-Old Won't Marry Until She Has A Job, So Stop Asking! (Video) - Huffington Post
HuffPo described this as the "cutest 46 seconds of your day" I describe it as amazing! In honor of bell hooks, Judith Butler and feminists around the globe - I will not marry you until I have a job - I already have my voice thank-you-very-much!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hooker Mom's Unite!

8 School Names That Inspire The Exact Opposite Of School Pride - someecards
How do you design a chant around the phrase "Go Hookers" - hmm what high school is coming to these days!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Obama Is Going To Drop a Record Next!

Museveni Might Release Rap Album - news24
Working titles include: I Run This Bitch, America's Most Wanted, and Life After Presidency

Who's More Popular? Lil Wayne or Oreo's?

Lil Wayne Crumbles Oreo's Plans To Set World Record For Facebook 'Likes' - Time
Because selling millions of records (or cookies) isn't enough - having people like you is.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I 33Needs Some Funding!!!

Startup Lets Anyone Invest in Socially Conscious Upstarts - mashable
If we put The Children At Work up on 33Needs, would you donate and could we justify it as a social cause?

Apple To Apples, Google To Google

Google Announces Payment System for Digital Content - new york times
I didn't know Google knew how to charge money for things.

Twitter Trends Are Trendy

Where Twitter Trending Topics Really Come From - mashable
I admit I always wondered - the power of the retweet. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Holy Harp Player, That Is Amazing!

Sitting here, having worked all day like everyone else and then you see something like this always puts things in perspective.

See, All Those Beers Were Just Research To Save the Planet

MIT grad's invention turns brewery waste to fuel -
I knew beer would come through. 

The Robot Take Over Has Begun!!!

Luckily, they only came for out commercial coffee shop scones.

Mamma Always Said, Don't Pee In The Pool!

Bacteria That Grow In Hot Tubs Linked To Playboy Mansion Outbreak - NPR
This explains so much.

Looks Like They Are Getting Amazowned Closing Facility In Irving - star telegram
Don't mess with Texas, either!

Maybe We Should Consider This?

Using Videos To Amp Up Your Blog - smartblogs
Or not? 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Mubarak Has Left The Building

Egypt Military Supports Mubarak; Protesters Mass - huffington post
I wonder what its like to have your whole country hate you so much that they will pull off a multi-day protest.  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Facebook Getting Another Face Life

Facebook Page Redesign 2011: All You Need to Know - inside facebook
I have already requested the copy right on Black Swan: Social Media Edition.

In The Words of Jonny Drama: VICTORY!!!

Egypt protests: Hosni Mubarak To Make TV Address - BBC
Its is rare that you are able to bare witness to history in the making knowing it will be history beforehand.

I'm Too Sexy For My Fanny Pack?

With Fanny Packs On The Runway, Can Mom Jeans Be Far Behind? - WSJ
Say it ain't so! Fanny Packs? Memories of day glow orange and pink are flooding into memory - let's hope this fad doesn't hit the states.

Get Your Microsoft Shares - Shares For Sale

Bill Gates Sells Off 90 Million Of His Microsoft Shares - Huffington Post
Mr. Gates is selling - selling off as many shares as he wishes lately -the bigger question: is this really about portfolio diversification or something else?

New Technology - Taking Over Your... Phone?

Today In Tech: iPad 3 this fall, the Facebook Phone -
We get it Facebook, you're everywhere - and slowing becoming everything

Forget The 3, I Am Buzzing About The iPad 4!!!

iPad 3 To Be Apple's 'Surprise' Release This Fall: REPORT - huffington post
I hope it has wings and a jet pack built in so that I can fly to work.  

We Are Not Slacking, I Promise

We have both been balancing work with catching bits and pieces of Social Media Week - and as an ironic result we have neglected the blog, our own social media forum. Don't worry, we will be back in full swing.

Twitter Can Be Worth Billions Too, Facebook

Twitter as Tech Bubble Barometer - wall street journal
I always find it amazing when the gap between values is in the billions - ehh, just throw in another 2 bill and we'll call it a day.  

Monday, February 7, 2011

Facebook Kappa Alpha: Pay For Your Friends!

Facebook Ads for $1.07? Can't We Do A Lot Better Than That? - constantcontact
Wait, people actually click the ads on Facebook?

Not Plugging The Book, But This Is An Interesting Interview.

Your Next Favorite Book: The Now Revolution - socialmediaexplorer
I probably wouldn't buy the book because I hate reading - the link does have a video!

OMG It's Social Media Week, AHHHHHHHHH

Social Media Week Is February 7th-11th - livestream
As if we needed an excuse to be completely obsessed with the internets.

Small Business Failing Because of Social Media!!!

Facebook and Twitter Dominate Small Biz Social Media Use - socialtimes
Ok, not really, but maybe?

Facebook Pages With A License To Kill It

This Week’s Most Explosive Facebook Pages - allfacebook
The key to raising your group count: free stuff.  

Marketers Beware - Social Media Bandwagons During Global Meltdowns Are A Don't

Kenneth Cole's Social Media Marketing Lesson - Harvard Business Review
You may make some nice underpants Mr. Cole - but you're social marketing team sucks. Way to try and be 'hip' when in fact, you were just capitalizing on a global crisis.

It's Fist Pump Time!!!

Beat That Beat with DJ Pauly D - Youtube
Alas, the ultimate viral / reality / pop culture mash up.

In Case The Black Eyed Peas Made You Vomitt

Super Bowl Commercials 2011: All The Ads (VIDEOS) - Huffington Post
For all those advertising loving people out there

Not The Guy With The Two Naked Girls And The Large Bong?

Finally: Facebook Co-Founder Opens The Curtain On Two-Year Old Asana - TechCrunch
New Tech's second generation take a spin at show and tell.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Shot Heard 'Round The World

Egypt Protests Grow Larger As Pressure On Mubarak Mounts - huffington post 
First reporter killed - now things will get interesting.  

Me So Horny Politics

2 Live Crew's Luther Campbell Says He'll Run For Mayor of Miami - MTV News
Well, at this this guy is upfront about his sexcapades - unlike most politicians

Whoo Hoo! An Artsy Cult!

An Insider Speaks On The Cult Of Etsy - VentureBeat
An unusual business model gets dubbed a cult - too bad it's amazing!

Will The Real Sarah Palin Please Stand Up?

Sarah Palin Files Paperwork To Trademark Her Name - Yahoo News
Really? But what if there is another Sarah Palin out there? Well, on second thought - she's already changed her name.

This Is Probably What Jesus Would Do

Christians Protecting Muslims in Egypt During Prayers - the islamic workplace
A perfect example of a negative becoming very positive.

Go Facebook, It's Yo Birfday, We Gonna Party Like It's Yo Birfday

Feb 4, 2004: You’ve Got a ‘Friend’ in The Facebook - wired
I wish I had been worth $50B by the age of 7.  

The iPhone 4 Is Officially A Game Changer

Verizon Halts iPhone Sales After Best "First Day" - msnbc
Its amazing what that Apple marketing is able to achieve. 

We Are Thinking About Pooling Our Money Together For This One

News Corp. Exec: “The Right Time” To Sell Myspace - socialbeat
This would be true if you went back in time, say, 4 years.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Didn't Lindsey Lohan Run Over Someone While Drunk? I Don't Think This Driver Has The Same Excuse

The Diplomatic Car That Ran Over 20 People In Cairo (28th -Jan-11) - Youtube
Raw footage from Cairo - scenes of unrest grow more and more disturbing.

This Might Be The Tip Of The Pyramid In Egypt Escalation

Globe Reporter Tweets Round-up In Egypt - theglobeandmail
Twitter might have saved their lives if it got ugly - what a concept.

Like We Even Have Any Real Content

26 Ways to Enhance Your Blog Content - social media examiner
I love lists. I just hate completing the tasks on them. 

Burn! Google Gets Dissed Again!

Path Rejects Google's $100 Million Offer - Huffington Post
So a picture is worth a thousand words, but not a $100 million dollars?

What Would The Goddess Say?

If the term "Goddess" is now defined by JLo - I'm afraid one or two scholars may have a bone to pic - Goddesses dress in glitter? Who knew!

Thanks Pandora - for giving us the option to "feel like a Goddess"

Tasty Delight

Foodie Startup Dubbed 'The Facebook of Food' - Time
That's what the world needs, more food porn - move out starvation and malnutrition - enter the foodie zone.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This Is A Real Headline

Police: Former Doctor Gave Patients 'Purple Drank' Ingredient - ajc
What the fuck is juice?

Sharks Roll Deep

Some Fins Up! 100,000 Sharks Mass Off Florida's Beaches - dailymail
Who wants to go surfing after work? Anyone...anyone?

Snooks Snubs Shocker

Snooki Snubs Sen. Chuck Schumer -
The bigger surprise - why is Snooki in DC? Do they fist pump in DC?

Yep, Another Holiday To Thank The Pagans For

Why Do We Celebrate Groundhog Day? -
So Bill Murray didn't have all of the answers on this holiday - it's roots trace back to pagan rituals.

Coloring Outside The Lines Never Looked So Good

Creating With Crayola -
What a sweet deal! You have Crayola on speed dial and the White House thinks your art is rad.

The Books Are Banned!

San Francisco Debuts Landmark Ban On Unwanted Phone Book Deliveries -
Books are banned? Well at least this time around - the trees will thank us.

Jim Durbin Promises There Is A Future In All This!

Secrets Of A Social-media Headhunter - smartblogs
Only 9 more years until I am in the money! 

I Am Into Into-Now: Ohh, So It Is Shazam For Television?

Social Networking’s Next Frontier: The Boob Tube - reuters
Is this an excuse to not hit the "Guide" button on the TV remote?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Penny For Your Thoughts

But, Why Does Everything Say Made In China?

Despite China's Might, US Factories Maintain Edge - Yahoo
Proof that innovation is good and communism is bad, or something, and not necessarily in relation to each other.

The Power Of The Pen

Photorealistic Ball Point Pen Drawings By Juan Francisco Casas - Amusing Planet
I always struggled with getting my stick figures symmetrical.

Free Facebook February For Fliers...For Fun...F

Fliers Get Free Access To Facebook In February - mashable
You thought they were addicted before, now you want them to get high and go on Facebook.

'Walk Like An Egyptian' Will Be The New Protest Anthem

Egypt Protesters Flood Cairo As Obama Urges Mubarak Not To Run Again - Huffington Post 
That is a lot of people and proves even in the Virtual Age the power of presence is strongest.

Time Lapse Video: The Space Shuttle

Who's Your Son?

Exclusive: Mark Zuckerberg's Proud Dentist Father Markets Himself As 'Father of Facebook!' - Time
Who knew the world of dental marketing was hitting such a low?

Wait For It... Wait For It.. Now!

Now The IRS Will Let You Track Your Refund, But Can't Tell You How Much It'll Be - Sounds Like a "smart" idea. Inc.

For those smart phoned equipped - you can now track the feds and your cash - for those with a dumb phone still - the paper trail hunt it is!

Twitter Will Have You Rolling In The Dough!!!

Twitter Helps Land Dream Job - Examiner
As much as I like this testament to the power of social media - it is still a job at Krispy Kreme. Just saying...

I Have Been Saying This For Years

How Beer Saved The World - Discovery Networks
Does this even need a comment=?

Google Gets Their Art Thang On

Google Art Project Offers Gigapixel Images Of Art Classics, Indoor "Street View" Of Museums - engadget
Regardless of how cool this is, I am still left wondering, "what the hell is a gigapixel?"

I Thought LeBron Was The King?

Jordan's King Dismisses Government, Appoints New PM - CNN
This is a total slam dunk if it can assist the region in settling its political score. 

Facebook Is Not Winning All Of The Races

Where are Social Media Marketers Seeing The Most Success? - eMarketer
The good ole message board community pushes on! 4Chan seen grinning in the corner saying "told ya so." 

History Needs New Swagger, It Is Always Repeating Itself

Why Social Media Is Bringing Back Our Grandparent's Values - Mashable
It is amazing how truth and justification can overlap. We are such enablers.

Social Media Is Our Savior!

Seven Characteristics Of Companies Effectively Using Social Media - b2bbloggers
For the lazy (like me): Strategy, Budget, Channels, Leverage, Participation, Analytic, and Marketing.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Emily's Top 10 - January 2011


Adam's Top 10 Songs - January 2011

10. Modest Mouse - Float On
A throwback to start things off. I always wrote this band off due to their instant popularity and one-hit-wonder tendencies, but I have recently rediscovered this track and find it has more depth upon further investigating.

9. Kanye West - Gorgeous
The most arrogant artist ever answers back - and everyone is getting it.  I really do not care what he does outside of the studio and in turn can recognize that this album is nothing short of stellar.  

8. Lemon Jelly - Space Walk
Coming to us from across the pond. I caught their name word-of-mouth and did some listening intensive research. To put it bluntly, I am a fan of their voice over integration and relaxing atmospheric beats. 

7. Raq - Beauregard
Raq has decided to grace us with their presence in the past year. Since that reunion announcement I have delved back into my show collection. This is just one of those narrative-based tunes that always pleases. 

6. Big Gigantic - Step Up
Sax. Drums. Amazing back beats. Success. Check out the free iClips capture of their JamCruise 9 set. Amazing.

5. Pretty Lights - Still Night
The lead track from the duo's newest EP. One of those sounds that continues to innovate and sell out every club in the US. 

4. Zoogma - Jerry Diesel
Saw these guys play into the early morning at Aura Music Festival a few weeks ago after being addicted to the album for months. The inside joke question, "what the fuck is Zoogma?" was answered: bliss. 

3. Wiz Khalifa - All In My Blood (Pittsburgh Sound)
Another throw back track from an artist hitting the rap charts hard. I remembering hearing this beat thinking it sounded really old school yet it was an '06 track. Who knew he would end up at the forefront of hip-hop with another anthem for his town. If you click the link I posted under Big Gigantic and click the track "Black and Yellow" you will see some cross-genre props that might explain why I like both artists. 

2. Alpha Rev - Colder Months
Warm, eerie vocals mixed with a diverse acoustic ensemble and an underlying piano. The tension slowly builds and drops off with a resonating note from the keys. Its nice to see a band keeping it simple and less formulaic than most. New soft rock that does not suck, who knew it existed?

1. Papadosio - The Eyes Have Eyes
I am bias because I have watched these guys grow over the past half-decade, but you would be hard pressed to find a more innovative group of electronic artists at this stage of the game. They know how to work their magic in the studio and it translates extremely well in the live setting.

Hopefully Skiers and Trash Do Not Get Mixed Up

Trash Incinerator Roof Will Double As Ski Slope -
A whole new meaning for the Greens.

Facebook Is Taking Over The (Internet) World, Again!

Netflix, VOIPs and Now A Brand New Messaging Service - Exploring Social Media 
Mark Zuckerberg is that kid in the neighborhood with the semi-auto Nerf gun and he is making allies with the other big boys.

Sarah Palin Asks Caribou To Take One For The Team

Sarah Palin Kills It In Gun Country -
This one is filled with other gems as well.

America: Get Drunk While Searching On LinkedIn

LinkedIn Corp Wants to do it in Public
Its about time with all the suits they touch every day. 
Walgreens Launches Private Label Beer Called Big Flats
Natural Light and Milwaukee's Best Light happy to have some competition for the worst beer ever.

I pledge Allegiance, to the United States of Beer
American is a more difficult word to say after all. 

Tips on Search Engine Optimization 
Step One: Search for the best way to optimize.

The Children At Work: Blog Is Launching Today!!!

Hello! Welcome to The Children At Work blog. This is our official launch and first post ever.

Let me start by saying that the idea for a page like this arose out of necessity and is mainly self-serving.  During our daily experiences we come across an abundance of information shared via the Internet. The problem was that we had no uniform way to access it later other than archaic modes such as bookmarks and instant messaging histories. This was bothersome and inefficient. To remedy the issue we originally used email in the form of a daily blast that contained all the links. Over time we added more people to the list and it became apparent that we needed to upgrade from the mid-90s mailing list format. Now, here we are, integrating into a forum which should facilitates all the mediums we trek. No more manual link following!

There is no real goal or format for how this will go.  An organic approach to consolidating the information we find is the only real prerequisite. Over time, who knows where this may take us? That is the beauty of it all.  In the mean time we can finally find those stories and videos we seem to lose. We hope you enjoy and feel free to contact us with suggestions, criticism and questions.